Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me? Am I a horrible mother & wife because the house is a mess? Am I a flaky friend for often forgetting to respond to texts until a day later because I'm too busy checking off my To Do list ? 
Can I just not handle the pressure of running a household & raising kids? Do I just not have what it takes to be a good mother & wife?
Is it just me?
These questions often fill my mind.
The thing is...I have always wanted to be a mother. For years I've watched my mother cook, clean, entertain us, love us & teach us. She is my friend & advice giver, the family referee, the adventurer & dream chaser, the creative crafter (seriously!), the business idea planner & inventor, the warm  hug giver & comforter, the silly one that makes us all laugh...she is my mom & with that comes SO many jobs & roles in our family!
 I look up to that & aspire to be all those things.
All in all....I think I'm doing okay. I mean, I clean & organize well. My family thinks I'm a pretty decent cook & baker. I'm fun & creative. I've taught my daughter many things, including a bit of sign language as a baby & she now speaks over 100 words @ age 17 months. 

So why do I often find myself so inadequate & so overwhelmed by the endless "To Do" lists? I mean I'm just: running a household, caring for an active & somewhat demanding toddler & our high energy puppy, trying to nurture & grow a young marriage, working on improving my health, starting a healing & weight loss journey**, trying to run a blog, running an at home business, & of course keeping up with the little day to day things, ya know like showering & eating, cleaning, dishes..., oh & since we eat mostly "clean" in our house, it takes a bit more planning to ensure meals are nutritious & unprocessed.
This list doesn't even include doctor visits or responsibilities such as keeping up with friends' & family members' lives. 
To top it off, my husband doesn't get home until around 9pm-11pm each night. Which means I am the one taking care of everything during the week. Thank God we live 'with' my husband's family so I have people around if I really need an extra set of hands or someone to watch the baby so I can use the bathroom for 10 seconds. :) 
I  essentially have to steal time to get work right now my daughter is supposed to be napping but instead she is ripping pages from a book. Let me go swap out the book for a teddy bear.
Be Right Back.
And now she is throwing a tantrum because she doesn't want to nap (a problem we face daily). 
Excuse me a moment while I try and get her settle down. 
Okay, what was I saying....oh right...
I often feel like the work load listed above is easier than I perceive it & it's just me...I'm just lacking.
Anyone feel this way or is it just me?
"Just me"....this phrase is constantly used in my week. With my husband's schedule, I feel the pressure of being the one to run our household pretty much solo. I try not to ask him for too much help because with 12-16 hour days I think he's more exhausted than I am. But that being said, I often feel like a single mom. 

But that is where my thinking is flawed. When I alienate myself from God & try to carry it all on my own back, I am going to crumble. I just can't do this on my own! 
That's just it....I am relying solely on myself. I fight so hard not to ask for help from others and even worse...from God.
I NEED HIS help! I really do! I guess that's what He is teaching me, that my good intentions of creating a scheduled & functioning household is great...but without Him in the picture life is like a sinking boat, holes & all, using a sippy cup to dump out the water.
God needs me to trust Him enough to get out of the sinking boat & walk above the water hand in hand. 
 The enemy wants me to feel overwhelmed to feel like I can't do this at all & that I have to do this on my own.
My pride always comes before the fall. You know that moment, when you're sitting on the bedroom floor, head in your hands, tears down your face, thinking...I am such a horrible parent because I can't even meal plan right/keep up with laundry/keep up a cleaning routine [insert imaginary shortcoming here]....
I hope I'm not the only mom who has had one of these moments where you just want to crawl into bed & give up until tomorrow or maybe just toss that To Do list out the window & movie binge Netflix with a whole container of ice cream.
 It's not just me right? 
I think it also scares me that I only have one child right now...I get the feeling it's going to get a lot harder with more and as they grow up. 
I am learning that I am doing the best I can & that's all I can do.
If I put the important stuff first, everything else will find its place. I have been trying to put aside my busyness & lists to spend more one-on-one time with my daughter.
My days are so much better when I focus on my blessings & the time I get to spend with her. Time goes so quick! She needs me right now and the one on one attention...and I am beyond happy to give that to her. God gave me her as a responsibility and a gift. So if that means the laundry gets put off one more day, I think it will be okay. More important things got my daughter learning her colors or singing along to Elmo. ;) 

My hope is someone reading this feels as I do & understands they are not alone! Not only do many of us not have it together, but you have an even bigger help if we just seek God!
 If we rely on Him for strength & our ability, everything will fall into place. The house may still be messy & that To Do list may still have many things left unchecked. But when our focus shifts, the more important things will get done & mommy will have more peace.
And when Mommy's happy, everyone is happier. :)
 We moms need to seek community. We need to connect to other moms that don't have it all together & are not perfect. Not that a perfect mom actually exists. BUT for the service of other moms, we need to admit where we have faults or struggles & reach out to others.

So...what I'm learning in all of this chaos is we need to:
*Admit we can't do it alone but that we don't HAVE to do it alone!
*Do the best we can & be content with our best!
*Know that God created us with unique talents, personalities & is aware of what actual flaws we need to work on with & through Him. Not the imaginary flaws we create in our hearts. I'm sure Jesus does not care if we are not "Pinterest-worthy" bakers or crafters.
*Know that each one of us has a different situation and STOP COMPARING your household, family, or situation with others or society's ideals. 
*Put the most important things precious time together with our children, spouses & families. 
*Take time for yourself, self care is just as important and caring for your family.
 *Take time for you & God, do a devotional or set time aside daily to read the Bible 
*Constantly count your blessings!! There is more to be thankful for than there is to be frustrated about. 
*Seek community & friendship with other moms

God Bless & May You Find Your Peace & Validation In Him

**=see my post on this 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

24 Day Challenge Extension & Results So Far!

After doing the 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare, I have decided to continue with a extension of the challenge :)  
Basically that entails for the next few months, continuing using the products & schedule used in the "Max Phase" which are Days 11-24 on the challenge. I will soon be doing a post covering what the challenge actually entails, products used & my review of them! :)

All in all, I love how amazing I feel & how much energy I have! I feel better than I have in a couple years, have a bunch more energy & able to stay active all day!
I feel more confident & toned, which has led me to pursue new passions! I have actually been doing yoga at home these past few weeks & already noticing more flexibility, which to me is super exciting! I am even considering joining a few fitness classes...which if you know like whoa! I hate group settings when it comes to working out...think gym class growing up being overweight :p ..... and the idea of fitness classes has always scared me!
But I feel awesome & want to get in better shape with better instruction than just YouTube, so I'll just have to ignore everyone else in the room and just focusing on me & my efforts.
Anyways...I feel great, which is saying a bunch! Ask my husband....I'm positive he was tired of me complaining all the time how crappy I felt! ;) 
Here are my results so far! : 

Eating Healthy Isn't Always the Only Answer

Feeling great & healthy really changes the way you look at life, the way you live & the dreams you pursue! 
Here's a bit of back story on my journey to fitness, health & weight loss: 
I have always struggled with my weight growing up. I can list several of the countless horrible things people have said to me, called me or said about my & my weight! Each one stung & scarred my self esteem & my confidence as well as my self worth. Until recently! 
I know I am still "overweight" & want to get in better shape. But for once it's for different reasons. Although some of my reasons are still selfish & perhaps vain (such as wanting to look great in family photos), many of my reasons are health related & more importantly for the sake of my daughter!
I'm doing this for my daughter♥ I want to be someone she can look up to with a positive body image & be a mama who lives an active & healthy lifestyle!  I want to give her a better example of positive body image & better self love than I have had all my life. I'm finally tired of this battle, finally tired of feeling so horrible about myself! 
Yes, I'm sure when people say things about me they will still hurt, I'm still human. But...I refuse to allow those comments to define me, or determine my self worth. Its easy for people to make comments when they don't have the same struggles. Even if their struggles are similar, everyone is on a different journey & path. Everyone is fighting a different battle. After trying so hard to eat healthy and not losing weight my perspective has changed. Its two fold....I take full responsibility of my weight & therefore people's hurtful comments don't mean much because I am in control of what I eat, if I work I live my life. That being said the other side is that I have tried eating healthy & it does not necessarily guarantee you will be skinny...since I do not eat fried foods because health wise I cant (long story).... I know that I'm not just lacking in self control, sitting around eating countless Big Macs & irrational fear of people looking at me & thinking "Oh...well if you stop eating all those Twinkies & french fries you wouldn't be fat" is invalid! Firstly,  I cant even eat Twinkies I'm gluten/wheat intolerant & I cant eat fried gallbladder=fried foods make me super sick! 
Secondly, no one else knows the battle I'm facing or what I am doing to work towards  my health therefore....what ever people say critically does not matter! Either they are horrible people I probably don't want to be friends with anyways (they probably hate rainbows & puppies too ;)) or they simply don't understand my personal story & are still people I don't want to hang around with! I choose to surround myself with people who will bring positivity to my life, are encouraging & supportive. Negative, critical people I have no time for, other than to pray for them & hope my life serves as an example for whatever they're going through.   If people are rude & judgmental...oh well, that's THEIR problem...& happy to say NO LONGER MINE! :) 

Here's how I tired losing weight by simply "eating healthy" & how AdvoCare has made the difference! 
After so much frustration I am so blessed to have found such a great vehicle for change, health & fitness! While 7lbs in 30 days may not seem like a lot to you...its a mini miracle for me :)
Everyone can tell you..."Just eat healthy you'll lose weight!" Its not always the case.....
I've been Gluten Free for almost 7yrs & for almost a year I've been "clean eating", my grocery list is fruit, veggies & lean meat, basically the only packaged food I eat is quinoa & brown rice, I don't add sugar to anything, I don't eat french fries or anything else fried/greasy, I don't drink soda & I don't drink alcohol...and yet the scale wouldn't budge...but rather started going up! How much more could I cut out of my diet?
My friend who turned her health around & lost weight (& kept it off 2 yrs later) introduced me to Advocare. I'm pretty skeptical of a lot of stuff out there on the market, but after some research & my friend's personal testimony (she is the sweetest, most humble person I've met)... I tried it & love what it is doing for my body! My body is getting the nutrition it must have been lacking, I have smooth all day energy & finally getting back into shape! The best part is being able to come alongside others in their health & fitness journey & see the changes in their lives! So 7lbs in 30 days & being part of lives being changed for better...I'll take it! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

A Better 'Relationship' With Food

My husband made a really valid point the other day that I never thought about...
I had mentioned something about eating something I shouldn't and used the phrase "I cheated" in regards to my diet. He causally said that you shouldn't think of it that way... as "cheating" & that it was an unhealthy way to look at it.
Not sure why I had never thought to question the term... or my relationship with food, but in that instant it kind of just hit me. I have this unhealthy 'relationship' with food! I have linked so many emotional responses and attachments to food and have created such bad eating habits.

Cheating has such a negative connotation linked to it. It's a dirty word in real life relationships as well as the one most of us women are in with food. We talk about eating a cupcake in terms of committing an act against our diet. As if we are so committed and devoted to it that we are emotionally straying.

We are raised in this society where food is more than just a necessity and a diet is only used to lose weight. When I tell people I 'eat clean''s my diet! It's not the type frequently thought of in society, where a diet is a restriction of calories or certain foods as a means to lose weight. I'm talking about a diet in anthropological is what I eat to sustain my body!

Food is meant for fuel, as you can read about in my previous post. We need to develop a better perceptive that food has a purpose. It is not just meant for our taste buds or to fill an emotional need. We need to stop attaching an emotional relationship to food. Cookies can make us feel warm and fuzzy but it will not solve our problems or fill an emotional need. And while there's nothing wrong with enjoying the joy that comes with a fresh baked, gooey, chocolate chip cookie...we need to enjoy the cookie for it being just a cookie and not over indulge or place a bigger attachment to it.

Also we should not indulge in treats because we have a rough day or we feel down about ourselves and our weight. So many of us get into this cycle of allowing food to have a hold over us. The vicious  cycle goes like this for example: we had a long we eat a cookie, that cookie reminds us of how 'fat' we are & how we really should not have ate it, so now we feel even worse, so we figure what the heck, it's not getting any better...and we eat three more cookies, which in turn causes us to feel super guilty and vow never to touch another cookie ever again! And then we spend the rest of the evening in guilt, misery and the depletion of our self worth. Because as many of us have been brainwashed to think...we link our self worth to our looks, our weight, and our ability to avoid 'cheating' on our diets.

Food is food, it is a necessity, it is meant to provide our bodies energy & nutrition needed in order to function properly. That being okay to indulge in a cupcake or cookie once in while without feeling guilty. I use the word indulge, because you should, you should savor every bite and enjoy what you are eating. But food should not be an award, or a punishment.
Really you should not eat those things often simply because it does not benefit your body in properly functioning & is counterproductive to getting your body in better shape & health.  I would limit it to once in while & not several times a week. What you put in your body, is what is being used to fuel it, so just be mindful of what you put in!
That being said... you should not withhold from eating treats simply because you will feel guilty, or because you're over weight thus you "can't eat stuff like that".
You CAN enjoy a treat once in a're not a bad person & you didn't have a "bad dieting day" if you do! Start establishing a better 'relationship' with food & STOP thinking you "cheated" on your diet.  ;)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge Results!

I completed my first 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare! I am down 5lbs & 7.5 inches (3 from waist etc.) I feel amazing, more energized, more confident, more toned & much more motivated to keep pushing towards my goal! I feel healtheir & able to stay much more active all day! My husband can attest that I have been pushing to be more active on the weekends & doing more active activites such as long walks and bike rides!Before doing Advocare & before Spark I would drag my feet just on a walk  around town! I seriously had no energy or endurance to do anything, now I'm the one suggesting bike rides & other active adventures! I feel like a changed person! Even more exciting, I am helping change other people's lives in the process! As a new distributor, I get to come alongside people to help them get healthier & reach their goals! To be a part of someone's health or weight loss journey is such a blessing!

Here are my result photos!
I am so happy to post these! I have a bit to go, to reach my goal, but I am enjoying the journey! I will be doing an extension if the challenge starting next week :) There are a few things I will be tweaking, such as adding cardio to my routine & really staying on top of my sugar intake. I did well with not eating added sugar but there were a couple times I gave into my cravings. I'm definitely not beating myself over those moments but when you see the results you can get you find those "I have to have..." moments...the added calories & sugar are not worth it! :)
The photos:
Left: Day 1
Right: Day 24 (well morning after Day 24)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Food Is Fuel

Food is fuel used for & by your body. That may seem like a "duh" statement or it may be eye opening. For was eye opening!
Many discussions with my husband revolve around food, healthy eating and nutrition. In all our talks about what to eat & why eating healthy is conversation in particular always stands out to me!
My husband used to not eat super healthy & more often than not, ate lots of  pepperoni pizza, burgers, fries, fast food etc...though not a big dessert or candy person he failed to see the harm in these foods.
So one day I figured I'd explain it in a way that would make more sense from a guys perspective & so far its stuck for even me ;)
Think of it this way you wouldn't put sand or dirt in your car's gas tank would you? Of course not!! It would ruin your car, the engine, & wouldn't run right.
Now I'm no mechanic & don't know much about how cars work but...I know the basic concept that you put gas in your car to fuel it. What you put in affects how the car works.
Your body is the same thing! What you put in is used for fuel. If its not the proper fuel your body gets gunked up & doesn't work properly. Simple as that! Put in your body what it was made to eat and use as energy for proper functioning!
It was when I found clean eating and it just struck me as "duh"! Its not just a diet, not just about not eating cookies & depriving you of "cheat" foods.
Its a way of living that just makes sense & is most natural in my opinion. Its about providing your body what is was intended to eat! What it was created to eat! In a sense most people take better car of their car than they do their body. Eat clean, eat natural...give your body the proper fuel :)
**Curious about what clean eating means and entails check back this weekend on a post covering clean eating basics ;)

Friday, May 30, 2014

Living An Extraordinary Life

Everyone wants to live an extraordinary life to some degree! Some imagine being the hero of their story, some just want adventure, some just want a break from the mundane.
Here at Living Inspired, I firmly believe in living life to the fullest, embracing each moment & seeing the adventure in each day!
Over at, Kate Swoboda wrote a really awesome list on simple ways to start living a more extraordinary life, titled  "8 Ways To Make Your Life Extraordinary, No Matter How Ordinary It Seems".
 I gotta say, I do the first thing on the list pretty much every night I cook. I blast Pandora, sing & dance in the kitchen & act silly with my daughter. And as much as I don't love cooking or meal prepping, those few minutes of laughter and music are often the best part of my day!
Taking it from boring & mundane to feeling alive & free!
The others on the list...I am going to start working on!

Living Life to The Fullest

I firmly believe in living life to the fullest. Living is more than just getting by, just existing. It is embracing the moment, realizing how fragile & short life is. It is realizing each day, each moment is a gift. No one is guaranteed today or tomorrow, so enjoy every moment. Living fully is embracing the adventures that find us & finding new adventures in each day.
Along the way, bless others! You never know how short life is, so do the most you can for others while you still have time! Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you, how they blessed your life . Tell them you love them, every day!
This life is fleeting & you can't take your treasures with you so invest in the people you love, people you meet, invest in helping others, in giving back & enriching others lives. Those are the things worth investing in!
Nothing lasts forever....things will break or get destroyed, money will lose its value...leaving behind a legacy of enriching others lives, making a difference, glorifying God in how you live...that will last far longer!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Update: Day 10 of Advocare 24 Day Challenge :)

Thankful to say that I'm down 7.5 inches & almost a full jean size so far! That's more progress in the past 10 days with Advocare's nutritional supplements than the past year doing it alone & eating healthy.
I LOVE that there's no counting calories or points, its just eating real food, balanced meals & basically filling in the gaps with great vitamins & amino acids!! 
If you have any questions about the challenge itself, the products or what I think so far about anything comment below :)

For those of you who want to do the challenge or try Advocare what makes you want to try it? If youre hesitant, what has held you back from trying it yet?

For those of you have done the challenge or are doing it...what do you think so far? What are/were your results? Is there anything you would've done differently? 

Top: Day 1 (I'm actually really embarrassed by these lol)
Bottom: Day 10. It may not look like much but I feel really amazing & have a ton of energy!

To try the challenge or learn about what the products are contact me or check out:

Where Your Heart & Treasure Are...

The Bible is full of great wisdom! 
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21 (NIV)
Its so true! Where we spend our money, or what we save it up for, is generally where our heart is. What we prioritize as worth spending our money on, is what we place value on. Its not to say we can't have nice things but often we don't evaluate where our priorities and values are. 

Nice things aren't bad but its the heart behind it that matters. Its important to take care of ourselves & our children but we should not let cultural pressures influence our priorities.
If you're spending your money on expensive houses & fancy cars you probably value status pretty highly. If you value your children's future you probably spend on/save for their education. If you value your health you're more likely to spend money on healthy food & nutrition. If you value people and blessing others you probably do a lot of giving. 

Your heart and money are often intertwined. 
1 Timothy 6:10 says..."For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs". (NIV) 
Money itself is not the root of evil but rather the love of it! When we place too much importance on making money we lose focus & often become greedy. Money can be used to do a lot of good! But again its the heart behind it that matters! My belief is that God does not want us to be poor or go hungry, He wants to bless us, but we must understand where our blessings come from and that a cup that flows over with blessing should be shared with others. So if you have a big house, invite others into your home for fellowship, or Bible studies or host a missionary family visiting the U.S. for a few days. I'm not saying we have to give up everything but....we should spend money wisely, as whatever we receive is a blessing & should not be used for greed; we should use our blessings to bless others; enjoy the blessings God gives you & give thanks for everything! 
This life is fleeting & momentary what we do can either impact for the better or we can spend on frivolous things & waste our blessings rather than pouring them back out....Just a thought.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mason Jar Detox Water

Looking for a simple way to detox or stay hydrated this summer?  If you use Pinterest I'm sure you've seen buzzing around the internet the idea of drinking "detox water" or "fruit infused water" as a simple way to flush out your system or ones to keep hydrated. 
After trying my hand and coming with my own basic recipe, I've found I love these fruit infused water SO much! Not only does it keep me hydrated, but I basically drink this all week as a better way to keep up with my water intake when I get bored with plain water & want something with a hint of flavor! 
I stock the fridge with a pitcher of "detox water" & 2-3 mason jars of other flavors pre-made in the fridge.
I use one empty jar as a glass or a to-go cup & drink about 4-5 mason jars worth of water a day. The jars & pitcher can last 2-3 days just topping off with water (as long as the fruit doesn't get soggy or  the water gets cloudy).

**Recipe I Use**
"Detox Water": 1/2 to 1 full lemon squeezed, a handful of organic mint leaves (can get at any grocery store but definitely make sure its organic). I bruise the leaves a little to get more of the flavor & benefits, then toss in a handful of cucumber slices (again either organic or peel them first)....then top off all of it with water & let "brew"/"steep" over night! 

Though I'm not a doctor, supposedly lemon is good for detoxing, cucumbers are hydrating & mint is good for digestion. I have found watermelon to be a bit diuretic just as a word of warning....not a bad thing but guess it just helps with detoxing.

In the mason jars I prep a few other flavors for variety: 

--Strawberry, mint leaves, cucumber
--Honeydew slices, cucumber
--Strawberry, honeydew 
--Watermelon, cucumber, mint
--Watermelon, cucumber, lemon
--Watermelon, cucumber, strawberry

Clean Eating Grocery List

A few years back I decided I wanted to eat clean which basically barely anything processed or packaged, no added sugars, fried foods etc. I wanted to get back to nature and feeding my body what it was meant to eat. After trying to figure out what to buy and stock up on for meals and snacks I finally came up with a basic "Clean Eating" grocery list I use each week. Some weeks I already have a few things on this list so each week tends to be just filling in the gaps.
 For instance a large container of yogurt, oatmeal, a box rice or quinoa & frozen veggies tend to keep us stocked for two weeks. So the next week I may just buy lettuce, some fruit and fresh veggies.
We don't eat many if any processed or packaged foods. I try and cook completely real food. Aside from boxes of quinoa or brown rice & containers of Greek yogurt...we buy mostly produce & lean meats. I try and buy organic where I can & when I can afford it.
Also I meal plan out my week and buy based on those amounts.

My List:

Eggs (free range & hormone free)
Chicken (thin cut breasts or boneless tenderloins) 
Ground turkey
Beef (lean)

Black beans
Sweet Potatoes 
Brown rice
Whole grain pasta (gluten free) 

Romaine lettuce
Spinach lettuce
Green beans
Beets (only canned food I buy)

Balsamic vinegar (for dressing)
Greek yogurt (plain)--usually Fage brand
Organic mint leaves (for tea & detox water)
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Butter (sometimes)
For meal ideas this is a general list:
I make a lot of salads and tend to meal prep the day I shop so its easy to grab and eat.
For dressing I only make my own. My recipe is super simple but delicious... its is a little bit of balsamic vinegar, whatever seasonings you like & a dash of olive oil to cut the vinegar.

*Breakfast is usually 1 or 2 eggs, a serving of oat bran/oatmeal & some fruit.

*Lunch is either left covers from dinner the night before, a healthy sandwich on gluten free bread or a salad topped with veggies, avocado & pecans.

*Dinner is usually something simple:
Chicken.... grilled in a pan with coconut oil, roasted/sautéed veggies & either whole grain/Gluten free pasta or rice or quinoa.

Ground beef or turkey such as....
--Stuffed peppers with brown rice or quinoa
--Burgers on the George Foreman grill with side of veggies and roasted potatoes
Or I try and get creative and find a fun healthy recipe on pintest.

**My recipe for
Best Roasted Veggies:
(seriously love veggies this way & pretty much only cook them this way)
*Heat oven to 400-420
*Line baking sheet with aluminum foil
*Grease sheet with olive oil to prevent veggies from sticking
*Prep veggies....dice potatoes or sweet potatoes, defrost a bit any frozen veggies or they get soggy, rinse & chop veggies etc...
*Toss your choice of veggies in large bowl with a dash of olive oil & your favorite seasonings --be careful to use I individual herbs etc...many premixed ones contain MSG :(
*Toss onto lined baking sheet, single layer
*Bake for about 15-25 mins based on your oven (ours cooks really fast)
***Great veggies to roast: potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, thick cut zucchini/squash, carrots...if you have any questions about any more just ask :)

What are your favorite veggies? What are your go to "clean" or mostly "clean" recipes? 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tips for Advocare 24 Day Challenge & Reaching Other Fitness Goals

Here are some tips for reaching your fitness goals or for those doing the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge!

*Keep a food journal! You'll learn a lot about yourself! Write out everything from portion sizes to sauces you added to your food. It will help you see where you are making great choices & where you are adding unneeded calories or  where you're weaknesses are. For example maybe you eat pretty healthy but always add creamy dressing to your adds up. Or maybe after a long day you indulge in a treat. Its not a bad thing but you could be on a cycle of using food as a reward which is an unhealthy cycle.

*Stay hydrated! & Drink your water!! 8-10 ;(8oz) glasses a day

*Go out and buy one of these from Target! (See photo below) No seriously ;) I LOVE this thing so much! Its a BPA free cup that locks when the straw is removed making it amazing for shakes & spark or fruit infused water (or just as a to go cup for water). Its so convenient & cute, it makes keeping up with drinking water fun! Seriously! Love it!

*Base plans around active activities rather than around food! For example my husband & I take our daughter for a long walk for the afternoon as something fun to do instead of going out for ice cream. Or if we are out to dinner downtown, before heading home, we stroll around town & get a cup of tea at a local coffee shop rather then go out for dessert or grabbing calorie filled lattes. 

*Don't eat with your eyes & recognize your body's cues of when you're full. We often overeat because a meal looks & tastes so good. Slow down, take smaller bites and savor your food. Then when you are starting to feel full, STOP eating...if you're still hungry you can take a few bites but you'll be surprised that you don't really want any were just eating it to eat. 

*Develop a better relationship with food. Food can be delicious, but its main purpose is to fuel your body....use it for that! Do not allow food to simply meet an emotional need or response.  Enjoy what you eat, but don't over eat just because it tastes great. Which is why savoring each smaller bite satisfies your taste buds and craving, but provides just enough food for your body. Plus you can always take leftovers and eat it again for lunch the next day ;)

*Don't Give Up!! A "bad" day is not the end of the world & if you indulged in a small treat you're not "cheating" on your diet. Again this goes with poor relationships with food, just try & better decisions. Try to JUST SAYING NO next time...saying No I'm not going to eat this right now, it is not worth it at this time.
Or tell yourself..."I'm not going to have a cupcake now, I know what a cupcake tastes like, this isn't anything new. I can have one when I reach my goal because,  right now my goal & health are more important than a cupcake right now."

*A Pound is A Pound! Rejoice the small victories & accomplishments! It's not going to all come off in one day, it is going to take time to reach your goal, celebrate the small wins...they add up!

*Create a basic grocery list & meal plans (see my post on my Clean Eating grocery list)

*Stock your kitchen with what you will eat on your diet or 24 day challenge...if you don't have healthy snacks readily on hand you're more likely to over indulge or eat junky me! I've been there! When you're super hungry you'll eat just about anything even though you have the best intentions not to!

*Clean out your kitchen of junk food! No seriously! DO NOT keep an extra bag of chips or cookies as an emergency "I'll just have 1" stash.... when you have a strong craving, that bag will be empty before you realize you opened it.

*That being said....stock healthy alternatives to your favorite things.... if you have a sweet tooth reach for a piece of fruit! No really! I didn't believe it until one day I really was craving a cookie & my friend had made some and left them at my house, instead I ate a few grapes and a strawberry or two and it curbed the craving! If you're a chocoholic like me...Advocare has amazing Chocolate Meal Replacement Shakes that honestly curb my chocolate cravings!

*Before you start....take your measurements & weight to be able to compare after the challenge.

*Take before photos
* THOSE ON THE CHALLENGE...On day 10 you can do a progress report by weighing yourself, take your measurements & photos of your progress.

*Dont forget to take "After" photos of your results & hard work! :)

*Make a kick butt play list to give you that added push during workouts

 *Make a motivational board with mantras for inspiration & motivation (see my post below with some of mine)

*Rubber bands or hair ties around a bottle or to go cup makes it easy to keep track of water intake. Place 4-5 bands around 16oz cup and remove one each time you finish and refill :) 

*Do it with a friend or group of friends! Whether it's the challenge or another fitness goal...set it, do it together, help each other meet your goals!  

What do you do to help motivate yourself to reach your goals? And if any of you have done the challenge what tips can you recommend to myself and others? 

*When ordering not order the citrus. I learned the hard way it is not the best flavor. Its not horrible just really not great. The watermelon is my favorite so far!

*When ordering the fiber drink...order the Peach! I repeat DO NOT ORDER the citrus one! From what I've heard its super gross and nothing like the Peach one. The peach one is tasty and easy to drink! You can add it to orange juice if you want which makes it even better! Just be mindful of the sugar in the juice ;)

* Look through everything! Make sure you understand it all before starting!

*In the Guide book that comes with the Challenge...I went through a few days ahead and marked out with a marker (you can use white out or pencil) covering up the products I was not using. For example I didn't use the Carb-ease, so where that was listed I covered it up. It was SO much easier to read the check list of things I was actually using!!  Also I only did a few days ahead at a time in case it I started using Catalyst 2 times a day instead of one.

*First thing I did when I got my package was set it up and lay it out on my kitchen table. I loved seeing it all laid out. It keeps me organized & motivated!
There are two options to organizing you can try:
1) Lay everything out in order of the 24 days which I can explain further on & then the night before lay out what you will use in the morning (see photo below).

2) The second option is to prepackage everything before you start into bags labeled by day which I plan on doing the rest of the challenge and may do for friends trying it :)
Photo below...everything laid out in basic order of the 24 Days. Any questions on how to lay it all out or other questions just comment below! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Mantras & Motivation Board

These are the mantras I am using to lose weight, continue eating clean & starting the Advocare 24 Day Challenge!:

*Just Say NO! #NoSugar #NoProcessedFoods #NoSweets


*You CAN Do It!

*Just Get Moving   Goal: 135 (lbs) 

*I am Strong! I am Fit! I am Healthy

* I got this! More importantly God's got this!

*Love Yourself <3 Love Your Body
*GOAL: 135...But its just a #, its more about how you feel!

*Your body is a temple. Use it to worship God. Use it for HIS Glory!
RESULTS=FEEL GREAT...New You, New Clothes, Energy, No Shame, No Cropped Photos, Beach Body, Hello Mirror! 

***What are you favorite mantras or motivational phrases? Or what inspires you? Such as your children, setting an example for your family, not wanting to battle the mirror every day, or just being able to wear a bikini to the beach...? 

If you have any questions about the challernge, products or results hit me up in the comments below

Reasons I Use AdvoCare & Why You Should Too

*They are nutritional supplements! Not some trendy weight loss products! I'm not a doctor but the way my friend explained it to me & the way it makes the most sense is...the products fill in the gaps with nutrients where your body needs it, supplying your body with great vitamins & amino acids! 

*It works! I've seen countless success stories on other blogs & have personally seen my friend's life change... health wise & financially. Plus after two years she's kept the weight off & looks amazing!

*All the planning has been done for me ....
I don't have to figure out when to take supplements, its planned out for me

*Don't have to think about what I need...don't need to stand in GNC and piece together a plan of supplements, shakes etc. Everything is set up to help you succeed.

*There's a panel of doctors testing and researching all the products

*There are countless success stories and transformations! 

*Its SO much fun! I love the challenge the way they've set it up is easy & fun to follow.

* I finally have energy! I tried Spark before trying the challenge & this stuff is amazing! The energy I have to work out makes me not dread the gym/exercising!

If you've tried the challenge or are doing it now, what made you try it?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why I am trying the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge

24 Day Advocare Challenge!
*See my disclaimer below ;) this is not an attempt to try and sell you anything....its  simply---
Why I am doing the challenge, Why I was even willing to try it & Why I'm so glad I did:

I don't know why but I love the name of it! I think its because 24 days is so doable & the fact it is a "challenge" is exciting & brings out my inner competitor! Its a competition with myself to reach my goals & to say "You CAN Do This" when the mirror says..."Good luck, have you seen yourself lately?".
With the average results on the challenge being 10lbs & 10 inches in the first 24 days. How could I not check it out? My goal is to lose about 60lbs or whatever makes me feel my best & most comfortable with my body. So the challenge is a great starting place!
Let's get to the details....
**Why I started the challenge**
First off I am not one to spend money on weight loss products!! I am skeptical of everything out there & I'm SUPER picky about what I put in my body. I do not eat fried or greasy foods (long story short had gallbladder surgery & literally can't eat those foods). I eat mostly "clean" (if you want to know more about what that means see my post about it). I hate eating out because I don't like not having control what they put in the food (i.e. added salt, preservatives).
That being said....I was tired of eating healthy & still not losing weight! I've been trying to lose the baby weight, from having my daughter, for over a year now. I was tired of being sick & tired, yo-yo dieting, tired of the daily battle with the mirror. I was tired of cropping myself out of family photos...and while I hated the idea that my daughter would some day think I was fat, even more so I hated the idea that wouldn't see her mother in family photos because I was too ashamed. I hated the example I was giving my daughter of poor body image. I know, I know I "just had a baby"...and that excuse kept me pacified for a while, but the truth is, I lost weight during pregnancy & have been battling my weight for years. So...NO MORE EXCUSES...ENOUGH was ENOUGH!
But I couldn't do it alone...I was failing miserably.
*Why I Was Willing to Try It**
After struggling for too long, I saw a post from a friend about all the energy she had from something called "Spark". After feeling SO tired for months that I was tested for Mono( didn't have it- Praise the Lord), I was willing to try it. But I was skeptical that it was like other energy drinks out there ( I won't touch that stuff!). So I googled every ingredient listed and found nothing sketchy about them, in fact they appeared to be healthy! So my friend sent me a sample and I liked it but wanted to know more. I had seen her life, body & health change over the course of two years & how she also kept off the weight. Her testimony was so great & the products seemed healthy (there's also a board of doctors that test them & such).
Long story short...not really I know ;)...I chose to start the challenge as a way to "fill in the gaps" as my friend says, where my body needed help, using AdvoCare's nutritional supplements & vitamin Spark drink.
Let me just say I feel amazing, happier & more confident!! I am so happy I started the challenge & am getting my butt into gear! I'm on day 5 and down about 5 inches overall (like 2 inches from waist...etc). Even if I wasn't down in inches yet, the fact that I feel so good is amazing enough! I was so sluggish and blah before I would sleep in til 11am just because I didn't want to start my day deal with the constant battle against my body. Now...I am getting up @ 7:30/8 each morning...because I WANT to & I'm excited to start another day! I have so much smooth energy without the crash or jitters and fall asleep easily at night. I can relax during the day without feeling like the energizer bunny on speed...though I do feel like that bunny in way because I can keep going all day! Not only can I get a ton done now but it helps me keep up with a high needs, very exhausting 1 year old. Also I have been working out a bunch which again is a feat after months of feeling like I had mono & couldn't make it up our 2 flights of stairs without wanting a nap!
So, even if I don't lose a ton of weight in the first 24 days, this has been such a great week & a great kick in the butt to finally be able to start reaching my goal.
Disclaimer: Let me first start off saying I am not one to try and sell things to people...its just not me! I worked in retail for years & it always felt weird to me having a job that tries to get people to buy something. The only time I was really successful @ a job was working for a tea company & simply because I am passionate about tea (seriously I'm a tea fanatic!-- that's another post for another time ;) ) & I am passionate about people's health and well being. So for me selling tea didn't feel like "selling" something because, I just wanted people to fall in love with tea & the benefits as much as I did! So that being said....I am only sharing this because I am super passionate about people's health, well being & goal in life has always been to help as many people as I can & change lives for the better...and if this can change someone's life, I would feel guilty NOT sharing this!! Plus I'm that girl that finds an amazing eye liner or lotion and just have to share it with my friends...that's what friends do ;)
My motive is not trying to sell anyone this, just sharing my story, why I love this challenge & give tips based on what I am finding works for me. If you want to buy it, by all means hit me up, try it out & I would LOVE to help you reach your goals & come alongside in your journey!
Peace, Love & Blessings < 3
--One Happy Mama
For those of you who have tried the challenge or are doing it now, what made you try it? Did you have a friend who did it or did you have an ENOUGH is ENOUGH moment like me?

Friday, January 24, 2014

When our paths change (a lesson my daughter has taught me about God's love)

I love the lessons I learn from spending time with & loving my daughter. Motherhood has brought so much insight into the way God loves us. Like today, our 9 month old was confidently crawling in one direction...towards a table edge... at which point I turned her around toward the other direction. Immediately she started crying. I tried to "explain" to her that I didn't want her to get hurt and that she would have if she had continued on that path...she had no idea what was ahead of her or my intention & then it hit me....its the way God sees us & loves us when he changes our paths and we get upset. We have no knowledge of the hurt/pain/danger/heartache ahead & that when he changes our paths its to protect us or to give us something better along another. In my daughter's eyes I was just "being mean" or simply not giving her what she wanted...but she's a child & does not know how much I love her & just looking out for her best interests. 
<3 **Thank you Lord, for loving us this much & so much more! That as your children you protect us and have our best interests in mind. Thank you for blessing us with our daughter and for using her to teach us about your love, mercy & grace!**<3